Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Week

Halloween is in the air, and we haven't really planned much to do. We haven't even thought about costumes, or where we would go once we have a costume on. Trick or treaters would NEVER find our apartment, so we bought candy and eat it ourselves.

While I'm working the kids ask me to sing them songs, so I said this week I would sing halloween songs. I sang the only one I know (My mom used to play it on the piano and sing it to us when we were kids around Halloween) It goes like this:

I'm a mean old witch with a Hat
HEEE HEEE HEEEE (Evil Witchy Laugh)
And I ride on My broomstick with my cat,
And my chin is pointed and my shoes are too,
so you better WATCH OUT,


The kids LOVED it and made me sing it over and over again, Alex has it memorized so I like to leave off words and have him finish it. Its really cute.

One night when Lucas got off work we went and bought some pumpkins, and they were out of those stencil kits with the good pumpkin carving knives so it was up to our creative little heads to get our pumpkins all carved up good.

We get home with our pumpkins and just stare at them for a while. We spent like an hour trying to figure out what to carve and just getting worse and worse at just picking something. Eventually I got sick of just staring at my cool shaped pumpkin, and grabbed a steak knife and started cutting. I didn't really have a plan but I knew it would come to me as I cut. Lucas layed on the floor for a while and kept staring at his pumpkin. He a stencil guy, I hate them.

SO he went to bed, and eventually I did too with my pumpkin unfinised. The next night we finished them, Lucas got his stencils (which are actually much much cooler than I remembered) and I finished mine. They make it smell so good in our tiny apartment like pumpkins! :) Here are some pictures :)

This one is for you, Mother-In-Law! One with our faces next to our pumpkins!

We love Halloween!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lucas' two cents.

So it turns out that just because Lucas SAID he would post a blog, didn't mean he would do it before I wanted to blog again. So when I asked him to blog so I could again he said that he would just tell me his blog and I could type it. Here it is...

"I love my life, I love my wife"

It was hard to remember, but I think it was worth it in the end. Thank goodness I stop to listen to the wonderful things my husband has to say. :)

A couple of months ago, after shopping for months to try and find a big side bag I liked with no luck, I decided to make my own. I dont really know anything about sewing, dont have a machine, or a clue, but I was up for the challenge. So I made my mind up, went to WALMART and bought some fabrics, then borrowed a sewing machine from a friend, then went home spread the fabric out and stared at it. I had NO idea where to begin. So I decided to make a plan. If I'm going to make a bag, I'll need a pattern, and I'm not going to PAY for it. PAH! My "pattern/plan" looked kinda like this:

So I held the fabric up to myself and kind of made up a pattern, grabbed the scissors and started cutting. It was SO fun! If I had more experience I could have finished it in a couple hours, but for my first bag I'm pretty excited. I made the strap too long, and one day I'll re-borrow the sewing machine and shorten it, but I'm happy with it overall. I even sewed a pocket into the inside :) Here is the finished bag:

Also, we got a new entertainment center for a screamin' deal from some people on craigslist. We love it so much we just stared at it for hours and got really cheesy and lovey dovey. Then the next day I was home early and Lucas text me and said "Does our entertainment center still look Amazing?" haha

I also took some pictures of the kids I watch a few times a week... I love them :)

This is Alex, the just wanted a picture of his eyes. Which is cool, because he has killer eyes.

This is Britta, and this is perfect because she is my little shadow. She wants to be right where I am and always points to things saying "Mom? Mom."

This is Cole, He's super cute, and had no interest in the camera for a long time. He just wanted to try and take Britta's bear without her noticing.

I'll end this picture blog with the cutest thing ever. These boys are two of a is what I get when I tell them to give me their sweetest smiles...

Well I have to go now, because I have a hungry husband here. He just gets grumpier and grumpier the longer I dont feed him. See ya!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

my random thoughts at my horribly slow job

I have decided to start working out every day after work at the BYUI gym. Its free access to fitness equipment, and I really need to get rid of the extra few pounds that I have managed to store for winter. I'll leave getting fat for winter to the bears and groundhogs, as it turns out, I would rather just wear a coat.

I am really liking working as a nanny. Although I have fought getting attached to the kids so I can avoid the heartbreak that I still feel when I think about Kelsey, I have started to catch myself letting those kids in. Its hard not to when they say things like, "Oh, Cole is the SILLIEST Goose."

Today my boss called me into his office and told me that they need to lay me off because they dont have enough for me to do. Thrusday is my last day. Now I have to try and find a job that will let me work just Tuesday and Thursday. Hmm...

The idea of buying a house is so thrilling to me its all I think about as I cruise the craigslist of every city looking for the best deal. No, we aren't even considering moving, but HGTV has me convinced that being a first time home buyer is going to be an A+ experience. Except we probably wont get the HGTV Welcome Home gift. I want a free living room set, thanks.

My boss just told me a horribly inappropriate joke.

Also, Lucas and I know that we are going to adopt children. If we can or can't have biological children, we know we are going to adopt. I wish we had a house and were financially stable enough to adopt now, I just read that there are hundreds of kids left orphaned in the philippines because of the floods. HUNDREDS. I'll adopt you, kids.

I really like the sound of typing. Especially on those really old catalog computers in the library.

I got a new SD card reader so I can post pictures online now even though the USPS lost my camera cables. Three cheers for the mail service here! **Crickets**


Conference was AMAZING over the weekend. I only watched the Sunday sessions, but they were so fantastic. The church is so true. I dont understand how you could ever listen to the things that are taught to all of the world by the church, and still think that Mormons aren't Christian.

Oh yes, Lucas and I have been MARRIED for 6 months now as of the 3rd of October! We went out to eat at an italian place, then went and saw The Invention of Lying. It was really funny, but there are some parts that made me uncomfortable. I would see it again, I liked it. Marriage is AMAZING. Lucas and I talked on the way to Idaho Falls about our favorite thing about marriage. It was REALLY hard to pick. Its so hard to say what the favorite thing about marriage is, when marriage as a whole is so great and makes us so happy. I decided my favorite thing is feeling like I am a part of a team, and that I always have him there to care for me, and he is always there for me to care for. We make all our decisions together, and do everything with love. I also like when our feet touch under the covers at night. Its cute, and his feet are so much warmer than mine. He said that he liked that he never gets attached to people really easily, and never quickly. Except with me. He said he got attached ot me really quick, and he loves how every day we get a little closer and closer, and things just get better and better. I love him. I love my life.

I miss my family. And Lucas' family.

Funny thing that happened in the middle of the night...I woke up and looked into our closet, where in my overly tired condition I was sure that there was a baby high chair hanging from the ceiling. I was really confused by it and looked at my sleeping husband and thought "Is he trying to tell me that I'm pregnant!?" Then right before I got excited I woke up just enough to realize that I would know if he knew, and that he wouldn't hang a high chair in the closet to inform me of the child growing inside of me...which, by the way, I can't wait for. Every month I get that feeling of "Will this be the month?" And when its not I look up information on adoption.

The craigslist "free" section isn't used enough. All that is ever on there is wood and kittens.

Lucas promised me he would blog at least once, so you can look forward to hearing from him next.