Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cloth diaper adventures 1

  • Having a newborn is just as exhausting as people say it is. TV shows aren't lying when they show new parents showing up a disheveled mess with bags under their eyes. But it's cool, I can't honestly say that I mind sweatpants and ponytails.
  • I got a good deal on some G diaper brand cloth diapers. We put Graham in them after he was home a week. You know, when the black tar poop was finally gone. I was really excited to cloth diaper, I actually stayed home from going out before Graham was born to organize and clean and admire the ones I bought. Weird maybe, but I have spent hours researching diapers and was excited to try something and save money. 
  • So after a few days with Graham in the diapers, Lucas, who is kindly trying to go along with it, came home from work and as he picked up Graham he says, "So.... are we still cloth diapering?!" hahaha, I could hear the hope in his voice that I would say, "No because I hate it! NEVER AGAIN!" But I said, "yes."
  • There is a different style of diaper for newborns with the brand I bought, called the tiny gpant. (see the picture below) Its for babies under 10 pounds. So We tried them first. One day, we went back into the nursery with a poopy diaper and changed Graham. I had heard they leaked if they were on tight, so we put it loosely around his waist. With his new clean diaper on (HOLY SMOKES CUTE) we came out to the kitchen to eat dinner with my mom, who had come to stay with us the first week and help out.
    After a few minutes, Lucas suddenly goes, "Look at Graham's feet! Oh my gosh!" I look over and Grahams feet are hanging out from under a blanket and they are both dark purple, almost black. We all jump up and rush him over to the couch, remove the blanket and see that his legs are both turning black all the way up to the diaper.  We immediately take the diaper off and Grahams legs instantly start to go back to a pink fleshy color. It was horrible and scary. I mean, what if we had put him under a blanket completely or put him in the mamaroo and he had napped? I hate to think about it. So we decided not to use those diapers ever again. 
  • For the next two weeks we used disposable diapers, and I'm glad about it because Graham is a poop machine. If I'm being honest I think we change about 14 to 15 diapers a day and probably 12 of those are poopy. Well today I tried the next size up of g diapers since Graham is close to 10 pounds now and they are made differently than the newborn g-pant. Graham fits in them well and they are seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen. Unfortunately, the liners are already staining and 4 of the 5 diapers I have changed have leaked because the design is kinda silly. Soooo yeah, I'm thinking I might sell these diapers on craigslist. Not a g diaper fan in real life. The only pro I'm finding so far is that they are adorable. Anyone want to try them, maybe they would fit better on a baby with a different build..?
  • I think I will try the charlie banana brand diapers next, however my cloth diaper excitement has taken a serious hit. Also, my washing machine takes FOREVER even just to do a rinse cycle so the amount of time it takes to clean the diapers is ridiculous. I wont give up yet.... right? Bah.
  • Also, we dont have a toilet sprayer because...hello $$$$, so I'm having to rinse the inserts in less than pleasant way and Lucas doesn't complain even though I know he is disgusted.


Lynsi said...

Check pinterest for a DIY diaper sprayer we made one for 35 dollars.

Abby said...

I love Fuzzibunz! They are pretty pricey, but I bought a bunch of them at a time when they were on sale at about $13 per diaper. Also, after using them for almost a year and a half, they never got stained. And I didn't even start rinsing them until I added solids into my baby's diet, because breastfeed stools are water-soluble and are said not to stain Fuzzibunz. I've since stopped using them because we bought an HE front load washer, and I started having ammonia build-up because they weren't getting clean enough. I am really bummed about it! It takes a lot of water to get cloth diapers really clean. But before we had our HE washer, it wasn't a problem. We also bought a sprayer from a small children's boutique for only about $27, so shop around. That's just my two cents. :)

Unknown said...

We G diaper and there are several tricks. Ezra is 7 weeks old and I had to have a girlfriend of mine (professional G user) show me how to use them. When they are on breastmilk they don't have to be rinsed. Once on solids they do. They also have a hotline to call to get help. If you lay the liners in the sun the stains should lift. Good luck! But if you don't use them, no biggie!

Are they leaking on the top? To the sides? Or below?

Christie said...

Ya Fuzzibunz are great. Also, try rice liners. They catch the "solids" and you just flush them down the toilet. Also, try oxiclean for the stains.

Shiloh said...

Ha! You crack me up! I use disposable diapers, and I always girls have both been pooping machines and have leaked out of EVERYTHING I have tried, cloth included. So I decided that cleaning poop stains out of their clothes is enough. I don't need to worry about cleaning their diapers! lol. But I'm admittedly lazy :P Good luck!

Carrie Lynn said...

When I was going to cloth diaper (I ended up not doing it), I had said I would use disposables on my newborn first since they go the bathroom so much. I wouldn't blame you if you did disposables for a while and then switched when he was going every two hours. Also, Lucas would love you more ;) haha! Like that's even possible.

Carrie Lynn said...

^I meant when he WASN'T going every two hours. Haha!

Anonymous said...

My own experience with cloth diapering was a huge fail, but a friend has done much better (and made me reconsider, since she's the cloth diaper guru :) ). Her take on the cloth diapering options is here: Good luck!

Lydia said...

I still don't have a diaper sprayer and my baby is almost a year!! And we have been using cloth since the beginning so it is definitely not necessary. Before they start eating solids you don't need to rinse the poo. So easy! When they need diaper changes that often cloth is the way to go because you save soooo much money. Also, I remember the first time I washed them my diapers had stains. I read up and learned that because I have hard water I need to use Calgon water softener. Since then we haven't had problems. I recommend it to get diapers super clean. Check out I love their diapers. So far I have only spend $300 dollars on everything we need to diaper. I love it! Feels so good.