Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A good book (and videos!)

There is a quote on my parent's fridge that says,  "The years teach us much which the days never knew." I believe its a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. I feel like at this stage in my life I am enjoying one of the years lessons, though I am sure there are things my current days wont understand until years down the road.
The quote always makes makes me think of our story.
I have this image of the book of my life, where the chapter on us becoming parents was long and hard to read. Sometimes I just wanted to throw the book away and yell "Who wrote this book?! Why is every page so hard to finish?!" Or I'm crying all over the pages hoping my tears will smear the words and change our story. But then you get to the part of the book where Graham enters our life, a tiny wiggling bean of a person, and suddenly I'm flipping pages as fast as I can because I just hope the chapter has a good ending. Then he's born and after years of forcing myself to read on or speed reading sections that hurt, or skimming hard chapters, I get to the part I've waited for. The page for September 12, 2013 just says, "He is here, and he was worth it."

Every day for the last four months the book was easy to read, it just says "Happiness" on every page.

 So that's my weird reason for not blogging more. There are no words. The story is simple and short. I honestly pulled up the page to write a new blog about ten times and tried to write but the only thing I could think to write every time is "I love him." and then I miss him and get back to momming.
I'll try to start posting more, because I do believe details are important and I want to record more and share our miracle with our friends and family.  I am just enjoying the fact that little things don't feel as important to write about when I'm so overwhelmed with love for our little boy. (Plus he is pretty colicky, and most of my time my arms are full and blogging isn't even on the radar.)

**If you have Instagram, you can follow me and get little picture and updates of what is going on with us. It's fast and easy and I love it. My username is AmbSueTay and you'll get way to many "InstaGraham" pictures of our little boy. **

Also, please enjoy this hilarious twelve second clip that I have watched 1,345,633,463 times and its still funny.

And this of Graham laughing at Moose

 Details In The Fabric was my blog title a long long time ago. It's back for now. :)


BestSundayDress said...

you must update your "About me" section :)

Anonymous said...

I have looked weekly for updates and I am so pleased for your happiness...God bless you!