Friday, October 23, 2009

Lucas' two cents.

So it turns out that just because Lucas SAID he would post a blog, didn't mean he would do it before I wanted to blog again. So when I asked him to blog so I could again he said that he would just tell me his blog and I could type it. Here it is...

"I love my life, I love my wife"

It was hard to remember, but I think it was worth it in the end. Thank goodness I stop to listen to the wonderful things my husband has to say. :)

A couple of months ago, after shopping for months to try and find a big side bag I liked with no luck, I decided to make my own. I dont really know anything about sewing, dont have a machine, or a clue, but I was up for the challenge. So I made my mind up, went to WALMART and bought some fabrics, then borrowed a sewing machine from a friend, then went home spread the fabric out and stared at it. I had NO idea where to begin. So I decided to make a plan. If I'm going to make a bag, I'll need a pattern, and I'm not going to PAY for it. PAH! My "pattern/plan" looked kinda like this:

So I held the fabric up to myself and kind of made up a pattern, grabbed the scissors and started cutting. It was SO fun! If I had more experience I could have finished it in a couple hours, but for my first bag I'm pretty excited. I made the strap too long, and one day I'll re-borrow the sewing machine and shorten it, but I'm happy with it overall. I even sewed a pocket into the inside :) Here is the finished bag:

Also, we got a new entertainment center for a screamin' deal from some people on craigslist. We love it so much we just stared at it for hours and got really cheesy and lovey dovey. Then the next day I was home early and Lucas text me and said "Does our entertainment center still look Amazing?" haha

I also took some pictures of the kids I watch a few times a week... I love them :)

This is Alex, the just wanted a picture of his eyes. Which is cool, because he has killer eyes.

This is Britta, and this is perfect because she is my little shadow. She wants to be right where I am and always points to things saying "Mom? Mom."

This is Cole, He's super cute, and had no interest in the camera for a long time. He just wanted to try and take Britta's bear without her noticing.

I'll end this picture blog with the cutest thing ever. These boys are two of a is what I get when I tell them to give me their sweetest smiles...

Well I have to go now, because I have a hungry husband here. He just gets grumpier and grumpier the longer I dont feed him. See ya!

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