Friday, May 18, 2012

Mothers' Day

Mothers' Day was great. I was worried it would be super emotional but instead it was just a happy day.

Lucas got me some sweets because sweets are my favorite. I'm talking chocolate dipped strawberries and a giant cupcake that I keep saving because its so pretty but I should probably eat it.
My sister-in-law surpised me with a bouquet of flowers that are so pretty and now sit on my desk at work.

My brother and his wife called me and wished me a happy mother's day and I had some sweet messages on facebook.
We went in the morning to the cemetery to visit the babies. My mom and brother came too and brought lots of bright colored daisies, which was really sweet. Kellen stilll has no headstone so we just layed his flowers on the grass above him. We designed his headstone, and should finally have enough saved up (thanks to the donations of some wonderful wonderful people) to have it start being made soon.

After visiting the babies, we went to church where my mom spoke and talked about her mom, Elaine, who was inspirational in so many ways. I've never met her, but I hope my children know her well.
After church we went to my aunts house and had dinner with lots of my extended family. It was a great time.

It was a good day to be a mom. :)

By next year I would love to have a little one to hug on Mother's Day, though. That's my goal.


Stephanie said...

Took my sil. 3 years to save for her little Marie's headstone, that's great you've had so much help getting one for k, its the little things that help get on.
Happy mothers day :)

Haley said...

I love you Amber. I think about you constantly and hope that you get to have a little one to hug next year too. xoxo