Tuesday, April 3, 2012

One lucky muggle.

 Sometimes Lucas gets these feelings where he just knows something is going to happen. Call him lucky if you want, but I think he's a wizard.

For instance, when I was pregnant with Molly he didn't even want to talk about possible boy names because he just knew that we would be having a girl. He just had a feeling and wasn't going to question it. Then when we found out for sure that were going to have a daughter, I was surprised but he just gave me a look that said, "No surprise there!"

Another time when we were in Rexburg and I already had two jobs but Lucas told me he had a feeling I should apply at that hotel on the south end of town. I went in and they had no jobs available, but I asked to help out just making beds before their grand opening. At the end of a couple weeks of bed making, I was offered a position. Shortly after, one of my old jobs went out of business. Phew!

Then, on a far less important side of life...Lucas was driving home the other day and he got another wizard tingle. There was like a three second blurb on the radio for a contest. He had a feeling he should go to the website they mentioned and enter to win. So he got home and went to the station's website and entered. Later he told me about it and said "I entered a contest for a trip to LA.  I'm going to win and then we will get to see The Avengers early".  Usually his wizardy magic is about life-changing things so I did not believe him this time. I said "That would be cool!" which meant "You and your silly dreams you crazy contest lover"

Yesterday, over some delicious Panera Bread, Lucas said, "So, today I got a phone call"
me: "uh, huh?"
Lucas: "It was a lady, she called and said 'Is this Lucas Taylor?' and I said 'Yes' and she said, 'Remember when you entered a contest to win a trip to a premier screening of The Avengers in LA?' and I said 'Yes' and she said, 'Remember when you won?!' and I said, 'No'"
me: "Seriously?! Did you seriously win?"
Lucas: "Yeah. I won it. I knew I was going to win! So now we get a free trip to LA"

Who is this man?

So he won:
 -Round trip tickets from Colorado to LA for him and one guest (pick me!)
 -A driver to take us to and from sponsored events
 - Three nights in a fancy hotel.
- A meal for winners at a Restaurant I cant afford.
- Tickets to see a screening premier of "The Avengers" a month before it is released.
-A private-ish tour of Paramount studios.
-$500 spending money.


But what's better than one prize? TWO PRIZES!
Remember my day on "Let's Make a Deal"? Well, I haven't been able to use my prize Spa day/makeover in LA because it didn't include airfare. I have put it off for a year and a half almost just waiting for the right time to use it. Well guess what? If I can work it out...we can both get our prizes and eat them too!

We leave next Wednesday. You better believe I'm going to find a working camera to take pictures.

Side note: It's our 3 year anniversary today! What better way to celebrate than by winning a trip and taking a three day anniversary honeymoon to get pampered for free?!
We celebrated today by going to Cheesecake factory and eating until we felt sick and came home. Then he read his Real Estate books while I blogged. We paused every few minutes to say "I love you" and kiss really quickly before getting back to what we were doing. We'll save the romance for the trip!
Three Years ago :)
(This reminds me of a picture frame we bought a garage sale a few months after we were married. It says "25 years together". I put a picture of us in it. People think it's cute until they think more about how it makes no sense, then I say "That's our goal." )

 I'm sure glad Lucas picked a Muggle like me.


Keeley Farrell said...

Woo Hoo! Have fun!

Anna Harrison said...

holy crap.

well, if anyone deserves this- it's you two

The Conkle Chronicle said...

SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I hope you two have the best time ever because you totally deserve it! HAVE FUN!!!

Liz said...

Holy crap! This is so awesome!

Hadlocks said...

Amazing!! I hope you guys have a great time!

Me said...

Wow! That is one of the coolest prizes I have ever heard of! Have so much fun!

Eric & Crystal Marshall said...

NICE!!! You guys deserve it! I hope you have a blast! can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it! (maybe not so much the lovey dovey stuff but the rest of it!) :)