Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Steps to a family

Lucas got a job!
He starts tomorrow and so do I. 
We are soooo excited. 
Things are going to start moving. 
He also starts Real Estate School in March. He will get his license in May.
Luckily, his job is flexible and pays well so we will be financially taken care of while he gets used to real estate and starts making that a priority.
My job is a way for me to help our family until the day that I get my dream job-
to be a mom.
We could wait a very long time. I hope not, but its possible. 
However, its nice to see any blessing that makes having a family seem closer to a reality.

With every blessing that comes our way I find myself thinking,
That's one step closer to adoption. One day we'll have a family.
One day this might actually happen for us.  

Waiting is hard, but it's nice to remember that we wait because it wont happen until it's right. 
So while we wait we are doing all we can to make sure we are ready.
Yesterday Lucas and I were driving in the car and he was quiet. 
I asked him if he was alright and he said,
"I'm just ready to be a dad."
I love knowing that we both think about our future family so often. 
We are mentally preparing all the time. Sometimes we play the "what if" game and end up laughing and laughing at how much fun it will be to be parents.   
Lucas just poked his head out of the bathroom and leaned over so he could see me. 
In a hopeful and excited voice he said,
"Do we have a baby yet?"
"Not yet."
Then he kept getting ready.
That's kinda how this waiting thing goes. We just stay ready.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You guys are such an adorable couple. You're going to make fantastic parents.